Firewood and Splitting
I split and sell firewood for home heating, ambiance fires and bonfires. I sell bundles up to multiple cords, both soft and hardwoods. I have stock but am also able to take custom orders for both hard and softwoods. I also offer machine operation if you'd like to process your own wood on location.
Cord Wood
Split and seasoned soft (pine) and hard woods (oak, maple, cherry, etc.) sold in face cords, cords and trailer loads.
A cord of wood is a neatly stacked pile of wood measuring 4' deep x 4' tall x 8' wide. A home that heats consistently with a wood stove for winter heating will typically use two to four cords a season.
A face cord of wood is 1/3 of a cord, or a neatly stacked pile of wood measuring 16" deep x 4' tall x 8' wide. A home that lights occasional fire place fires or bonfires will typically use one to two face cords a season.
$300/cord with free delivery within 10 miles of Mattawan ($2/mile beyond).
$450/trailer load (approximately 1.75 cords) with free delivery within 10 miles of Mattawan ($2/mile beyond).
$100/face cord with $20 delivery charge.
Also available: Customer pick up, stacking on site, and 10% discount for pre-seasoned wood (moisture content above 20%).
Bundles and Custom Sizes
I can split wood according to your needs (length and stick size) such as thinner sticks for bonfires or longer sticks for high capacity wood stoves.
$7/Pine firewood bundle (approximately 16" cubic square)
Contact me for pricing on custom sizes.
Splitting Services
I can buck and split wood at your location. I have an industrial wood splitter that allows me to split to your preferred size right at your wood source or next to your storage area.
Depending on the prep and site conditions, one hour of continuous splitting can produce about one cord of wood. 1 hour minimum, additional time charged in 30 minute increments.